Thursday, September 13, 2012

Culturally Fancy Food

For our home task we were asked to make a dish from a different culture for our class party next week.
We needed to write the ingredients and a short paragraph about this food.

Alex - Koulourakia 
Koulourakia is eaten on Greek easter (April 15th), but you can eat it when ever you want. The ingredients are sugar, butter, vanilla essence and table spoon of orange and lemon rind, eggs, flour, self raising flour and icing sugar. 

Fraser - Red Eggs 
Red eggs are a tradition of Greek easter. The red dye on the eggs is a symbol of the blood of Christ. The eggs are eaten because they are part of the Greek easter tradition. 

Jack - Pizza 
The dish comes from Italy. Pizza was first eaten by people working in the fields and the sun melted the cheese on the bread and the tomato. Today Pizza is cooked by an oven not by the sun. 

Harvey - Pizza 
Pizza was considered a peasants meal for centuries. No one knows who made the first pizza. Pizza like dishes were eaten by the Egyptians and the ancient Greeks. Modern pizza has been attributed to Raffale  Esposito in Naples in 1882. 

Eleanor - Scottish Short bread 
Origin is Scotland. It represents petticoat tails which were the same shape as the triangular shortbreads. Its os eaten at Christmas, Hogmanay (Scotish new year) and weddings.  

Joe - Blini (Apple pancakes) 
The origin of blini was teh early Slavic people made Blini as a symbol of the sun and cooked them at the end of winter. They are also served at wakes which is a funeral after someone dies. Today they are a popular Russian food served with lots of different toppings. 

Raynoo - Cinnamon Duck 
It is eaten in Thailand for good luck. The food represents healthiness. It is eaten on special occasions. 

What is your favourite food from another country/culture, we would like to know what significance does it have to that country or culture? 

What is a food that you eat on a special celebration and what does it represent?

1 comment:

  1. Ever since visiting Mexico I have loved all Mexican foods. At family celebrations, we usually have a BBQ, with everybody bringing a little something to share.
    Miss lewry

    PS: I'm enjoying following your blogs
