Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our prior knowledge about invertebrates

What are invertebrates and Why can't we live without them? 

We have began learning about invertebrates and we are enjoying it. They are interesting to learn about because they are different from mammals as they have no backbone.

We used a thinking strategy called Tic-Tac-Toe to show our first thinking.

Some of us completed 100% and some of us filled in more than 9 boxes.

This is our first thinking:

Hamish - "They don't have a backbone."
Lexie - "Most invertebrates are small." 
Lucinda- "Mostly invertebrates are insects." 
Millie - "Most invertebrates are sea creatures." 
Aimee - "Invertebrates live all over the world and there are lots of different species."
Olive - "There are lots of invertebrates that are insects like stick insects, bees, flies and lady bugs."
Justin - "Lots of invertebrates are dangerous."
Alex - "Scorpions are seriously dangerous because they have a stinger on the back." 
Anton - "Squids use their black ink to protect themselves in the ocean and when they have been caught." 
Bridget - "Most bugs are invertebrates."
Remy - "Some insects don't have backbones and sea urchins." 

Have any of you had an invertebrate as a pet? If so, what was it and how did you look after it? 

Have you every found an invertebrate somewhere unexpected in your house or out in public?

What other features do invertebrates have? 


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